
Monday, April 22, 2013

Pretty Chocolate Covered Apples!

With summer coming up, a light and refreshing chocolate covered apple just might be the perfect dessert. I used a branch from the apple tree in my garden to give the plain chocolate covered apple a more festive look. Now, not only do they taste yummy, these apples have a gorgeous appearance and can even be used decoratively!

First, I washed and the cleaned the apples and the branches, making sure the apples were dry. Then, I twisted the branch where the stem of the apple would have been.

So, I made three apples that were black and white chocolate covered. For these, I first dunked them in white melting chocolate and then apple toasted coconut at the tops before the chocolate dried.

Next, I dunked these apples into melted milk chocolate, about halfway up the apple.

I made a fourth apple, a red one, that was just covered in milk chocolate. I rolled this one in some crushed roasted peanuts for more flavor and texture.

Aren't they so pretty??

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