
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Jello Lemon Slices

Now that summer is approaching, there is no easier dessert to help cool you down than some Jello. These Jello lemon slices are pretty and simple to make, especially if you're already buying lemons to make lots of lemonade! By replacing a portion of the "cold water" needed to make the Jello with your choice of alcohol, you can spike these babies up. Anything from vodka to tequila to peach schnapps would work, based on the Jello flavor you are using. I usually use 1/2 cup cold water and 1/2 cup of the alcohol when I spike them but you can see how strong you want the alcohol to be. 

First, clean out your lemon halves and set them into a cupcake tray. Next, make your Jello and fill your lemons. Refrigerate until firm. Yup, it's that easy.

Once your Jello is firm, you can remove the lemon halves and slice them into wedges. And they are ready to eat. 

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